To achieve maximum bake quality, you can tweak the resolution of every actor in the scene prior to baking. You will learn how to do test bake to check the resolution of your lightmaps and to check for flipped geometry. Finally, you will learn how to use the Distributed Rendering feature.
First thing is changing screen percentage to 200 to achieve better antialiasing in viewport. Then we will check lightmaps density in optimization viewmode. Resolution of big surfaces should be increased (to 4096) to achieve maximum quality. Next, we select lights in the scene and we change option: "set for lightbake" to enabled. We change V-ray light bake settings - for testing we use "0" light quality which is preview. We can change lightmap atlas resolution here as well. Light baking is a time consuming process - preview baking can take hours even with RTX 2080 Ti card. It can take 14 hours in medium / high quality setting.