The base material is wood texture WootPlanksBare0464 from We modified it (removed gaps between planks) and then placed it in Bitmap2Material, to generate additional roughness and normal maps.
With additional levels and sharpening filters we achieved more crisp look of the surface.
We used Hue / Saturation filter to get darker tone.
Additinal Levels filter - even more darkening.
We used drippig rust mask and fine rust material for spots layer.
Grunge layer is created with grunge map from Substance library, we sharpened it a bit to increase details.
Additional dirt and damage layers created with generated masks. We sued uniform black color material (with only color slot enabled) for these layers. We also decreased opacty a bit.
Another damages to surface (Veins layer), were created with a layer (brown color) with color, roughness and height slots enabled. We used bitmap fibers mask to achieve this effect.
We placed a layer (with only roughness slot enabled) on top of that. It was ratio_fractal_sum_base map in roughness slot and mask generator to create this variable shininess.
Top spots layer.
Final textured model.