This time we are looking at the scene of kitchen / loft / saloon interior that was created in 3ds Max and exported and recreated in Unreal Engine. This scene comes from Archinteriors for UE4 vol. 5. it is fourth scene from this collection.
The scene is surrounded by environment sphere with winter exterior map.
Environment sphere material is based on unlit material.
Unlit material that is a base material for environment sphere is pretty simple. It consists of one texture sample slot that has contrast parameter control (with cheap contrast node and a scalar parameter) and intensivity control with multiply node.
The scene seen from outside. Surrounding boxes are Lightmass Importance Value and Post Process Volume.
the scene contains multiple meshes (165) created in 3ds Max and then imported to Unreal Engine 4. They were textured in substance Painter. Let's take door for example...
Door mesh and UVs created for lightmapping (UV channel 2).
Door material instance
...and a base material that was used for this instance.
Base material base color - you can see texture coordinates control that allows us to scale UVs in Unreal Engine
We use one normal map from Substance Painter and another uniform blue map (totally smooth surface). We LERP (mix) them together and use "Normal amount" parameter to control strength of normal map texture.
Mask texture contains different information on different channels: red is Ambient Occlusion (with AO_amount parameter), green is roughness and blue is metallic.
Lamp mesh (and spotlight inside).
Lamp, seen form top angle.
Lit bulb material.
Spotlight settings.
Lamp material
Floor mesh is divided into separate elements.
Floor uv channel 1 (for texturing)
Floor uv channel 2 (for lightmapping)
Light and lightmass settings. We used blueprint 9BP Light Studio) for environment light (HDRI).
Detail lighting visualization
Lighting only visualization
Scene without post-processing.
Scene with post-processing
Post process volume. We altered bloom and exposure, added a bit of grain. We also increased temperature of white balance.
Final screenshot from the scene
Final screenshot from the scene
Final screenshot from the scene
Final screenshot from the scene
Final screenshot from the scene
Final screenshot from the scene
Final screenshot from the scene
Final screenshot from the scene
Final screenshot from the scene
Final screenshot from the scene
Thanks for reading!