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Making of Unreal Bedroom - Tip of the Week

Michal Franczak 2018-02-22 14:51 tutorial  > Unreal Engine  > modeling

We are breaking down a scene 3 from Archinteriors for Unreal Engine vol. 4.

This is a bedroom + living room scene from Archinteriors for Unreal Engine vol. 4, one of total 5 scenes in this collection. 


A screenshot from Unreal Engine.



Another view of the scene.



We included many meshes in the scene. You can use them in your visualizations by migrating them between Unreal engine 4 projects.



Bed and industrial design lamp.



Plant and book on glass table.



All materials in this scene are based on a bunch of base materials. It makes material creation process faster and more predictable. If you want to use our base materials in your Unreal engine scenes, you can migrate them too.



Glass table mesh.



The key to success is attention to details. Although table legs are not a big mesh in the scene, we created nice copper-like material that gives that bit of realism. 



Table legs material is an instance of our base master material. It was textured in Substance Painter. We exported textures (base color, normal and packed occlussion / roughness / metallic texture) and assigned them to our base material. Our base material allows some simple controls like choosing Ambient Occlussion amount or scaling UVs.



Table and its UV map.



All scene assets in Overview scene (also included in Archinteriors for Ue vol. 4).



All scene assets in Content Browser.



We used two meshes for floor - one for each room.



Floor mesh.



As you can see, floor in the main room is not made with a simple plane - we used floor generator and  beveled planks.



Floor mesh uv map.



GIF. The scene in different lighting modes.




Direct light settings. The best lighting for architectural interior scenes is static or stationary light, with lightmaps generated in the engine. As you can see, our direct light is in "Stationary" mode, we tweaked its power (light intensity) and source angle (which gives softer looking shadows). we also checked "Use area shadows for stationary light" option. Area shadows are softer the further they are from object casting shadow. They were introduced in Unreal engine 4.9.



Direct Light settings (continued).



To speed ub building of Global Illumination (aka Light maps), we placed LightmassPortals in the windows of the building.



Another good practice is to put LightmassImportanceVolume around your scene.



SkySphere is responsible for showing that background trees behind windows.



Skylight generates ambient light for the scene. We used standard environment map that comes with Unreal Engine as HDRI.



Atmospheric fog settings.



To get proper reflections, you need many reflection capture spheres in your scenes. Place them according to your taste and look of nearby objects.



Additional point light in lamp.



Post process volume settings.



Post process volume settings - continued.


World settings, perhaps one of the most important settings in the scene - they are responsible for baking lightmaps and providing high quality lighting of the scene. As you can see, we tweaked it a bit.

Author: Michal Franczak Editor: Michał Franczak
Tags: engine unreal
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bernicestockstill 16:40:04  |  01-03-2018
cool stuff as for me)