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Making of Semi-Traditional Bedroom

Gaurav Kumar 2016-10-31 10:22 tutorial  > 3ds MAX  > modeling

Tutorial by Gaurav Kumar.

First of all I really would like to thank Evermotion for providing me such a wonderful opportunity to showcase the making of my recent work Bedroom Set_01 "Semi Traditional Style" you can also see it in Evermotion Forum Thread). This making/tutorial is not about anything specific or special techniques, but rather it is about the general workflow that I normally use. I hope this tutorial will be beneficial to many. Since I did not have much time to finish the project, most of the models used are from the library but tweaked to suit my needs. The work took about 2 - 3 days to complete.

More works by Gaurav Kumar:

For this work, I have used the following software:

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The final image, after post-production



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Modeling was based on the CAD plan, received from client. Imported from AutoCAD.


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Walls : First of all I traced the walls with spline and extruded them, converted to poly and bridged the polygons for making doors and window space.


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Flooring : I used floor generator for making the wooden planks floor. You can easily find a basic tutorial on how to use a floor generator online in case you have not used it before. It is a great script and easy to learn.


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Railing : For Railing I used 'Rail clone' from iToo software. They provide many options for making railings at the click of a button. You can see in the preview.



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Once the basic structure was in place, now it is time to fill up the space. I moved the furniture according to furniture plan [feel free to insert as you would like it to be, make sure things are in proportion and to maintain a sense of correct space for movement inside the room. Select the right furniture to match the mood/intent of the room. Do some research on what can suit best for the given space before you actually start placing. It will save time removing and replacing stuff later]. I started with the bed set; that being the main/space consuming object in the scene.



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Followed by the other accessories in room as per plan. You might to place/replace objects till the right balance is achieved.



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More stuff!


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The balcony : The balcony was populated with suitable furniture and plants from the library.


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Once all objects were placed in the scene; I set the camera from the suitable angle. Mostly it is best to set the height corresponding to an actual human height so that scene is perceived from the right height and will better relate to the viewer. As I wanted to cover the whole scene I set the Focal length accordingly , and enabled the camera clipping.


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The next thing I did was to copy the balcony to upper level, to create the feel of an apartment building.


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View from camera.



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Once all elements were in place, the scene was ready for texturing/materials setup. Starting with the wall; being the main visible element in the scene.


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Plaster reflection texture.


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The floor was the next in order.


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Wood maps.


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Wood for the doors. Apply color correction for wood as required. Color correction is an easy way of tweaking inside max without editing it in Photoshop. Make sure to use the 'Advanced' if you are adjusting Lightness parameters.


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Material for the sliding door frame on the side. For the glass you can use any simple one that goes well with your scene.


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The blue bed fabric.


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White Fabric.


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The brown line fabric.


These are the materials I made myself according to the scene requirements. Rest of materials are commonly available. For the remaining materials that came with the library I did not work much on them, except some minor tweaking of values/color correction. Other wooden materials in this scene are pretty similar to those presented in this tutorial, but they use different diffuse maps.


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I used VraySun as the main light source. See the values on right side.


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A Vray sphere light was used for the side lamps of the bed.


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A vray sky was set up and loaded as instance into the environment so that, if required, values can be tweaked.


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These are the settings I used for the render. Added the render elements.


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Here is my raw render. I saved it out as TGA.


Post Production:

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You can use the 'Load files to stack' [Files>Scripts>Load files to stack] to easily bring in all the render elements for compositing in Photoshop.


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Added some contrast with level corrections.


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Vray Specular- Set the render element to "Screen mode".


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Vray Refraction - Set the render element to 'Screen mode'- For increasing the refraction of objects and controlling it as required.

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Vray Lighting- Set the render element to 'Screen mode' - To increase the effect of lighting contributed by Vray lights; like the sun and the sphere lights used in the scene to add that extra glow.


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Vray Reflection - Set the render element to 'Screen mode'- For increasing the reflection seen on objects. You can use a mask in photoshop and control the effect by 'painting' it area wise so as to have precise control on where it is to be boosted/decreased.


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Now as a final touch I added some glow on window to feel the natural bleach the outer lights will bring in and to point out the source of light in room.


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And here is the final result. You will find more images of this bedroom in Evermotion Forum Gallery.


Thank you very much for your reading my tutorial and I hope you like this article. Good luck!

Author: Gaurav Kumar Editor: Michał Franczak
Tags: vray bedroom gaurav kumar
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NadeemAl 11:43:20  |  03-11-2016
What is the size of your Room. Please Reply me as Soon as Possible