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Office Building

Hello guys, A successful renovation of an old building that caught my eye, located in Toronto, Canada and done by Studio JCI, it has a really fresh look and nice facades so i decided to give it a try in 3d. Since the whole building is symmetrical (except the facade with terraces) there is no point in viewing the building from all the angles so i decided to visualize it in three different conditions of weather and time of the day. Modeling was the first phase as always, unfortunately i couldn't find the complete plans of the building so i eye-balled a lot of things with the goal to get the proportions right. project Image may contain: sky, outdoor and building Texturing was fairly simple, it took a short amount of time but i did try one new thing though, Parallax Bumping with the help of a written OSL shader i found online which worked perfectly. One important thing i should mention is that from the beginning of the project i decided to try the new ACEScg workflow in V-Ray 5 so all my textures was contained inside V-Ray Bitmap and set to acescg primaries and it really paid off in terms of getting a nice saturated colors. Image may contain: outdoor, sky and building There was a little bit of color correction involved, some fog was added in post too. Image may contain: outdoor, building and sky I hope you enjoyed the images and as always C&C are welcomed. high res and better quality on behance: 223831 223832 223833

Posted on 20.07.2020

Views: 513
Comments: 0
hseenfx hseenfx
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