Happiness of a visualizer is in an interesting project of an architect. The more interesting the project, the more chances there are for a good visualization. Of course there can be exceptions from the rule, but not this time The project of the «Edison House» was done by the bureau "Alexey Bavykin and partners" and its leading architect, our good friend, Natalia Bavykina. They designed a dream for every fan of architecture - a complex and rich masonry of Dutch bricks on the facade of the house, on which you can look endlessly. The sun every time gives a different shadow play on this voluminous surface of the facade. When we did the 3D model of the tower, we had to manually place brick by brick to lay out three kinds of non-standard masonry of the facade. It took a lot of time, but it gave the same picture that you can now see live (see the photo from the construction site at the end of the post). They say that the builders remaked this masonry 4 times, until they achieved the desired effect. But it was definitely worth it. 196553 196554 196555 196556 196557 196558 196559
Posted on 29.05.2018