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In accordance with the art. 13 section 1 and 2 of the European Parliament and Council Regulation 2016/679 of the 27th April, 2016 on the protection of natural persons, with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), hereafter RODO, I hereby inform that:

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3. Your personal data are to be processed on the basis of art. 6 section 1 letter a, b and f of RODO in order to:
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Еxterior project Graviès Pool-house - Anduze

147912 147913 147914 147915 147916 147917 147918 147919 147920 147921 147922 Hello everyone, who is looking over this project . I'm am pleased that you have paid attention and decided to review and evaluate it . It's really very important for me . All detailed project information you can find here: I want to show you my last work Project Genesis The owners purchased a house located in a privileged landscape . The land is at a dead end and has a beautiful view. The existing house does not draw enough out of that position. The house is the owner’s second home and the purchasing criterion was the possibility of a swimming pool and its annexes. That would become a place of life during the summer hot months. The project The steep slope of the terrain did not allow except colossal and expensive earthmoving to dispose of classically pool at home. The choice of location in height quickly established: less expensive, more respectful of the morphology of the site and dominant position that gives off a stunning view. Taking account of different assets, the project was designed so as to harmonize with the site; in sweet planning that reveals and takes advantage of its context, more than obtruding. The pool and buildings are aligned in the existing design of terraces, The plot is very steep already hosts a house, the will has been to position the pool in high position, so as to match the natural slope of the land to its idyllic panorama. This choice has provided additional technical complexity, but the project is designed to minimize heavy work. The pool and pool house are aligned in the existing design of terraces. This allows: - Keeping the natural slope - A smooth integration - Minimizing cut/fill due to earthmoving - Minimizing the evacuation of lands outwards - Preserving the natural flow of runoff Materiality The integration of the constructions will also be effected by the choice of material and color and the clearances between them. - The pergolas were created in order to resume the vertical rhythm of the existing trees. They will be made of metal and wood. - The walls are created wherever possible stone in order to resume the traditional construction of local terraces - Where this is not possible, they will be treated with a natural lime plaster in shades close to the surrounding vegetation shades of grey, shades of brown, always in order toadopte or camouflage in lush vegetation. Technical sheet Program / Transformation of a residential workshop Place / Anduze - Gard, France Client / Private Surface / Pisicine30ft x 13ft - Pool house 280sq. ft - Terraces750sq. ft Budget / 130 kEUR Calendar / Delivery Unit 1: Spring 2016 Behance: I'm always ready for new interesting projects . Please contact me through email:

Posted on 19.12.2015

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Julian Sadokha Julian Sadokha
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