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CATEGORY: 3d models

Coat Rack "Hilka Big"

MZPA 2017-11-27 04:38 CATEGORY: 3d models

A coat rack with 4 sticks from ash wood. 

The authors of hanger “Hilka“ Ulyana Zachkevych and  Stanislav Boichuk decided to  create a form which would have been the complementary element in the interior. The combination of materials, function, aesthetics – were the key aspects. Be inspired by floral motifs, the authors tried to simplify them and provide style which would be multifaceted. The concept of the hanger is a combination of two basic materials: metal and wood. Also, the mobility was emphasized. Main element of the hanger is 4 sticks, which at the end are branching into three parts, creating additional space for hanging clothing. It could be easily moved, removed , added, adjust to your needs. We have created such a model to transform the perception: combination the mobility with aesthetics.

Dimenions of the construction (m): metal console 1,5 x 0,4 x 0,4

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License: All rights reserved
File size: 0.35 MB Rating Downloads: 1067


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fatimaadml 16:05:04  |  26-12-2018
Fake.. sorry but the file is not the same at the picture
Vibes 16:40:54  |  04-04-2019
Thank You!
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