v0.42 – March 4 2014
+ Blender: Import NOX Material and Run NOX Material Editor fixed
+ Blender: rendering with modifiers is now possible without Applying them. Note: you still need to apply modifiers to particle objects before rendering with NOX.
+ 3ds Max: fixed scene loading bug
+ Rendering engine: Bidirectional Path Tracing (BDPT) and Path Tracing (PT) engines fixed, render result in both cases should be the same
+ Rendering engine: reflections on fake glass in BDPT now work correctly
+ GUI: added Options tab
+ GUI: fixed mouseover events on some controls
+ Experimental OpenCL post-processing for Post and Correction Tabs. Option can be set in Options tab.
+ New option: Autoreload textures that were changed in external editor. Option can be set in Options tab