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PolyBoost review

pg 2007-02-28 00:00 article  > Review

PolyBoost is complex tool set for 3d modelers who works in 3ds Max, and want to speed up their work flow.

On the end of the October 2006 new version of this product was released - Poly Boost 2.5. There are some major improvements like beter 'transform tool', PolyShitf and quadrify, besides this new version works great with 3ds Max 9. Poly Boost gives us more than 100 tools that will make our modeling and mapping easier.

In use

Polyboost's interface is very userfriendly. On the top of tool window we can find sections, which we can find all tools in:

Selection: Huge set of tools, that will help to make any kind of selection like : GrowLoop/ShrinkLoop, DotLoop, Tops, Similar, StepMode. Numeric (selecting by various parameters like number of polygons, vertexes or edges), pattermaker.
Modeling: In this section we will find all modeling tools. I especially like Poly Draw, DistanceConnect, Topology (with help of procedurals topology we can model bricks, walls, mosaic and more), CornetLoop or PaintConnect.
Textures Tools: With help of this tool we can paint in simply way textures directly in 3ds Max viewport! This will speed up working on textures for our models. Tools: Originally and useful tools for selection like : NormalSelect, PerspectiveSelect, Select Half, Distance Select and PerspectiveGrow.
UVW/Skin/Cloth: Here we will find all tools that will be useful for forking with UVW mapping, Skin or Cloth.
Transform: Options of transformations. Here we can very fast set position of object's pivot.
Other: In this section we have access to Help, product's site. Besides this we can authorize here our PolyBoost or check out is there are any updates.

We can place PolyBoost's interface in any place of 3ds Max viewport. We can also dock it. Every function is described in documentation on product's site. Also in some tools we can find 'PolyShift tool quick info' - quick info about how it works, depends on pressed key: "ctrl" or "shift".

Requirements and notes

Great tool for all modellers, that helps to save a lot of time and makes work much easier. Price of tool should be acceptable for all 3d artists, even beginners. We strongly advice to check it.

- Works on 3ds Max 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9;
- Work on all subobjectlevels, so it's one tool for all modes;
- UVW-mapping is kept intact for all the modelling tools and work with modifiers in the stack;
- Many tools have an optional functionality when the shift or ctrl key is pressed.

Take a look at PolyBoost web site to find more info and get this tool.

Best Regards,

Evermotion Team

Author: pg
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