Hi everyone. I'm Dawid Makowski New Desert creator and coordinator the same.
What is your part in Sigonyth? As I said above, I'm a chief of this group and my task is to organize the work of whole team, solve conflicts and keep correct direction of that game.

Tell us a history of Sigonyth Project. Oh, story of Sigonyth is a bit long. I think it all started when I've created Zoltharia's world. That game was wrote in php, player could walk through castles and dungeons. Unfortunately, shortly after publishing alpha version it turned out that it didnt' match our expectations, and we realized that we need something else, something bigger and much more ambitious - then I've discovered brand new (for me at least) kind of computer games, named MMORPG - and I decided to make, as I thought then, the next step - a graphical version of engine with animated characters. Finally, it turned out to be the first step of what you can see now on the screenshots. First, there was 2D engine like this in Baldurs Gate II which has inspired me. Again, I met a serious problem - lack of human resources, searching people to work with, I've always heard that they are already involved in fantasy game project, yeah - everyone already tried to make a fantasy game. After some time spent on unsuccessful attempts to complete professional team, I decided to freeze Zoltharia project and create new project based on totally different idea - something that will be fresh and innovate.
I hoped that I would find people interested in working on this project in the team; fortunately, the fresh project attracted fresh people determined to achieve something in their life. I spent a long time wondering how should Sigonyth look like and finally I achieved that - an outline or rather a vision of the game, and with a cooperation of a whole team we managed to bring it to it’s current state. We have been working on this project for almost a year, and I have to admit that a year is really a long time for people who have to constantly cooperate an talk only about the game. I think it’s typical for this type of project - long and laborious. It was a hard test for everyone, not all members of the team made it, some because of time, some because of will. Generally, we had a lot of changes in our squad, but luckily we managed to set strong and professional core team. If you would like to know more, please visit our web site or forum.

MMORPG gives players this great possibility to play in extremely realistic living world with real people. Usually, simple RPG games give very few and limited possibilities. You can talk with NPC, get quests from them and that's all, you are limited by imagination of level designers. In MMORPG each player is unique, everyone acts differently. Some of them are good traders, while others may be better warriors. If we add GMs to that, we will have realistic, exciting, and dynamic world. I think that currently most of developers are thinking this way, if you take a look around you'll see that most of the biggest companies are currently working on or already has mmorpg in its collections. Why we, Poles couldn't be in this field? I’m in :)

Why the MMORPG in sci-fi world? It's hard to answer precisely. The main reason we currently make more sci-fi / fantasy world is because we have too much fantasy based games on the world. Most of all games of that kind are fantasy. I've been thinking long about climate of game and with some help of team we decided that Sigonyth will be Sci-fi and Fantasy hybrid. This mixture gives us both technology and fantasy elements like psi powers. Here I must inform you that in Sigonyth we won't use magic known from typical Fantasy games. Here, it’s just Sci-fi with some Fantasy elements.
I have noticed that Sigonyth has made a major changes in graphics engine, could you put some light on it for us? Yes indeed, we've changed engine because 2D games are going to die soon. The 3D engine gives us much more possibilities in world and object creation. We don't have to create thousands of sequences of animated frames just 3D model and bones, that's all. Another reason is that a chance to find 3D modelers creating low poly models is much bigger than those creating very high poly which must be in 2D engine.

How many CG Artist are working for the NewDesert team on development of Sigonyth project? What do they do exactly? What are they responsibilities and so on? Currently we have quite a big team with over 20 really hard working people and some freelancers which helps us in their free time. We have graphicians, developers, concept artists, musicians, marketing & PR, story makers and translators working on this game - it’s like one huge and really good mechanism. It's a fantastic feeling to be a part of it, believe me.
Where will it see the light of a day? Currently we plan to finish game at the beginning of 2006 but for the time being we can't give any specific final date.

Thank you for an interview.
A: Thank you too.