Top image by Shkumbin Ferizi from Pulla Studio.
If your Annual Maintenance Agreement extends beyond August 30th, you'll continue to have access to all Redshift builds released until your existing maintenance expires. You'll be able to renew your Annual Maintenance Agreement up to August 31, 2023. You will have access to all the latest builds of Redshift until the one-year anniversary of your purchase. At that time, you will have the option of converting to subscription to gain all subscriber benefits or extend your Annual Maintenance Agreement to a maximum expiration date of August 31, 2024.
Another change is that after August 30, 2021, a Cinema 4D-only version of Redshift will no longer be offered; only Redshift for all hosts will be available.
Both monthly and annual subscription terms will be available. Pricing for annual subscriptions will be comparable to the current Annual Maintenance cost.