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Vimeo 2018-10-02 09:19 article  > Animation

Early to work one morning, Aiden happens upon illegal activities purveyed by his employer and is drawn into a brutal fight for his life and the safety of his family.

CONSTRUCT is Kevin Margo's Sci-Fi film project rendered with V-Ray RT GPU.

CONSTRUCT is currently being developed as a feature with Kevin Margo set to direct. Brian Kavanaugh-Jones (MIDNIGHT SPECIAL, OPERATION FINALE) will produce with his team at Automatik. The feature film script is being penned by Marcos Gabriel and development financed by Nightfox.

A team of independent artists led by director Kevin Margo was leveraging the power of NVIDIA GPUs to create the CG animated short film Construct.




CONSTRUCT VR is coming to L.B.E. Venues around the world soon!


Author: Vimeo Editor: Michał Franczak
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