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In accordance with the art. 13 section 1 and 2 of the European Parliament and Council Regulation 2016/679 of the 27th April, 2016 on the protection of natural persons, with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), hereafter RODO, I hereby inform that:

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11. You are obligated to forward above mentioned information to your representative, especially if you appointed this person in the agreement as the contact person or as the representative for the agreement execution.


Rusty Hazelden Releases The Art of RenderMan Volume 1

Visual effects artist Rusty Hazelden has released an in-depth 5 part RenderMan tutorial series on YouTube. The Art of RenderMan Volume 1 provides an introduction to Pixar's RenderMan for Maya. Watch the RenderMan tutorial series today on the Rusty Hazelden YouTube Channel: D0PmsO3Tzc4 Overview Unlock the secrets of Pixar's RenderMan through a series of in-depth tutorials that focus on rendering an animation in Maya with photo-realistic materials and dramatic lighting. For over 30 years RenderMan has been used in the film industry to render movies featuring groundbreaking visual effects and animation. In this tutorial series, visual effects artist Rusty Hazelden takes an animated shot from start to finish, and reveals all the techniques used to create the final animation with Pixar's RenderMan for Maya. No steps are left out and every detail is explained with easy to follow step-by-step instructions. Topics include: adjusting Pixar surface material attributes to create the look of plastic, wood, and metal, applying texture maps to add more detail to surfaces, aging a shiny metal surface by adding a layer of tarnish, and using the RenderMan IPR to interactively develop materials and lighting in real-time. Learn a wide range of lighting techniques that can be used to create a dramatic night time scene. Discover how to enhance the realism of a shot by enabling depth of field and motion blur. Explore the powerful Alembic workflow in RenderMan and find out how to assign materials to Alembic archives using the Dynamic Rules Editor. Advanced topics include: using a light filter and light linking to control scene illumination, sharing 2D texture placement nodes to make shading networks simpler to maintain, fine-tuning the render settings, using the RenderMan denoiser to cut down on render time, and batch rendering the final animation. Essential Topics Render Settings Max Samples AOVs Motion Blur Depth of Field RenderMan Denoiser Local Queue Batch Render IPR Render Viewport Render Render View Test Resolution RenderMan Preferences RenderMan Shelf Texture Mapping RenderMan .tex Files PxrSurface Node Diffuse Lobe Primary Specular Lobe Specular Fresnel Modes Extinction Coefficient Edge Color Dielectric vs. Metallic Materials Roughness Bump Mapping PxrBump Node Place2dTexture Node Hypershade Editor PxrRodLightFilter Node PxrRectLight Node PxrMeshLight Node PxrDomeLight Node Image Based Lighting Object-Centric Light Linking Color Temperature Alembic Archive Alembic GpuCache Node Dynamic Rules Editor

Posted on 26.02.2019

Views: 1818
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Rusty_Hazelden Rusty_Hazelden
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