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In accordance with the art. 13 section 1 and 2 of the European Parliament and Council Regulation 2016/679 of the 27th April, 2016 on the protection of natural persons, with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), hereafter RODO, I hereby inform that:

1. EVERMOTION S.C., 8 Przędzalniana Str., 15-688 Białystok, Poland is the Administrator of your Personal Data (APD)

2. Data Protection Inspector can be reached through e-mail:

3. Your personal data are to be processed on the basis of art. 6 section 1 letter a, b and f of RODO in order to:
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11. You are obligated to forward above mentioned information to your representative, especially if you appointed this person in the agreement as the contact person or as the representative for the agreement execution.


A Day with Summer by Peter Ang (Summer in the City Challenge 2014)

My concept for the Summer in the City Challenge would be a an interior scene of a 1970 print publication's newsroom, where reporters sit at desks, gather information, and write articles or stories on typewriters. --------------------~~~~~~~~~~" A DAY WITH SUMMER "~~~~~~~~~~~~--------------------- Is a story about Ben's daydreaming at work, He's a junior reporter who works 10hrs a day from monday to saturday and sometimes on Sundays if needed. He's a very hardworking employee just like his other colleagues. But everyday on summer season when the heat of the sun hits his desk he always daydream about the white sand on the beaches or nice places to unwind and get away from stress. But then again its just an everyday question for Ben, if when..... when can he have the chance to have a Day with Summer... Objective for this contest is to make the audience feel the heat of the sun inside of a busy office. Although this image is a little surreal, it shows the boredom of too much work and longingness for a vacation because sometimes people work too hard and worry a lot, that they forgot that there is more life out there than just work and problems. Thanks to all have comment and appreciated my work, and good luck to all! ^_^ website: FINAL ENTRY: 128880 LINK TO High RES UNCOMPRESSED IMAGE of my final entry: thumbnail 128607 ----------------------------------------------- Additional camera angles to tell more about the story of the image, even though this is not included for the final entry, it's worth doing it for a personal portfolio :) EXTRA CAMERA ANGLES: 129918 128957 128967 128613 128614 128615 ----------------------------------------------- SOFTWARES: 3dsmax 2014 Vray 2.4 Zbrush 4r6 - Marvelous Designer -- Adobe Photoshop CS6 Adobe After Effects CS6 Nik Software -- Multi Scatter- using masking -- Advanced Painter - 80% of the elements will be modelled by me and some are premade models like: Evermotion Archmodels - Cgtextures- CHARACTER-- AXYZ 3d people-- Plants-- model+model = RAYBAN--- dimensiva- SHOES, vintage bag--- VIZ people-

Posted on 18.09.2014

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cgdigi cgdigi
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