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ZBrush Architectural Design

Pixologic 2015-06-26 11:30 tutorial  > Zbrush  > modeling

Modeling scyscraper and rendering with ZBrush to KeyShot Bridge.

This tutorial series gets things started with the ZModeler Brush and NanoMesh to create a building base. Use NanoMesh’s random, variation, offset, and rotation sliders to create a unique skyscraper look.

Now that you have your base building model ready after watching Part 1, let’s modify your base model more with the ZModeler Brush.

Start this lesson with an introduction to Surface Noise, this will be used later to add more detail to your building. ZModeler is used again to create separate assets for Alpha creation.

Now that you’ve created tileable assets from Part 3’s lesson, let’s create Alphas with help from the 2.5D features.

Using the Alphas created in the previous lesson, it’s time to apply them using Surface Noise. This technique adds detail to your skyscraper, giving it a realistic effect when rendered.

We now have a fully modeled skyscraper building, let’s render it with the ZBrush to KeyShot Bridge!

Author: Pixologic Editor: Michał Franczak
Tags: zbrush
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