Color space transformations like ACES or AgX are based on the same principles, one core being: conforming high dynamic range linear color data to a non-linear integer closed domain (e.g. web-ready image). But AgX is more convenient to use - no textures to convert, no change of the “renderer’s working color space” (aside from Octane), no deep ACES/OCIO support needed in post. Pretty much nothing to do aside from loading the Filmic OCIO configuration file and setting it up as the “view transform”. It’s close to be as simple as “slapping a LUT”, unlike ACES, and although both are literally not that.
Since it is “OCIO based”, it is basically supported on any software supporting OCIO, including Davinci Resolve or Unreal Engine.
Below is a series of films that cover the aspect of color spaces, AgX characteristics and process of the installation in Blender (but it can be possible to install AgX for every OCIO-compliant software).
Color space theory:
About AgX:
Installation process: