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E-Cycles: 2x faster rendering with Blender 2.80 and 2.79

E-Cycles for GPU, a very optimized optimized version of Cycles the render engine of Blender has been released . With it you can render this scene from Evermotion in 2min55s on a single 1080Ti (compared to more than 25 minutes with the official Blender 2.79b version): https://i.imgur.com/i1yhRiD.jpg Rendering usually takes very long and requires expensive hardware. The settings are hard to tweak and understand. Sometime, your clients change their mind faster than you can render and it's hard to meet the deadline. Sometime, to render in time, you reduce the quality and use tricks. When you donate to the foundation, you don't decide what it's used for and it may take very long to get results. E-Cycles 2.8x (beta) and 2.8x + 2.79x pack (stable) are made for professional artists and architects who needs speed, quality, support and want to concentrate on their art. With E-Cycles, you can: - render 1.7x up to 2.4x faster with CUDA, using the same settings or up to 8x faster using new powerful biased techniques (compared to latest 2.8 beta as of january 2019, even more compared to 2.79) - get fast support and bug fixing - render cleaner images at the same sample count - spare time by using auto tile size - get more speed than by upgrading your hardware or buying a new computer. You can keep your computer as it is, which is much more comfortable and also better for your wallet - Be sure your money will be used to make Cycles better and benefit from the improvements now. Buying another 1080Ti for example cost about 800€ and you may have to buy another power supply (+100€). So with E-Cycles you save at least 800-200 = 600€, up to 700€ in most cases. What people say: Flavio Della Tommasa "Obviously in terms of performance I believe the data speak for themselves. On 8 images, 2h each, I lost a day of calculation. With E-Cycles, in just over 2 hours I solved everything." https://blenderartists.org/t/e-cycles-faster-cuda-rendering/1139717/116 "Impressive speed-ups", "support is good, all issues (specific to E-Cycles build) I have found and reported were quickly fixed" https://blenderartists.org/t/e-cycles-faster-cuda-rendering/1139717/79 "The Speedup is amazing" https://blenderartists.org/t/e-cycles-faster-cuda-rendering/1139717/60 "91s to 45s with a RTX 2070" https://blenderartists.org/t/e-cycles-faster-cuda-rendering/1139717/51 "3m:09s to 1m:42s, needless to say, I’m impressed!" https://blenderartists.org/t/e-cycles-faster-cuda-rendering/1139717/99 Here is a comparison of render times on different scene with the 1080Ti and the 2080Ti: https://i.imgur.com/f88daiA.png About me: I work on Cycles since 2015 (my first patch is here https://developer.blender.org/D1530) and already have several patches in official Blender.

Posted on 20.01.2019

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