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Frozen in time - Evermotion competition project

Frozen in time - I made this project for Evermotion competition. I would like to thank the jury for honorable mention for my project. As a photographer I like very much work with long time exposures, using large or medium format analog cameras and take photographs from a few minutes to even one hour shutter speed time. Usually for everyday photo it's about 1/250 - 1/125 sec. I was curious if 3d render engines can simulate this effect from 3d scene with full motion blur feature ticked on. So I created 3d scene with animated water related and after a lot of tests I achieved rewarding effect ( see atached video). It wasn't easy and flexible like in real cameras but possible anyway. I used Cinema 4d and Octane linear workflow for rendering. Final image was tonemapped in Arion and edited in Photoshop and Lightroom. Due to the fact that I created detailed scene for final competition image I created a few more images to increase this project little bit more. Thank you for reading and viewing my stuff! Regards Neb

Posted on 13.02.2018

Views: 808
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Neb Neb
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