Hi There I would like to introduce new personal project and deep attempt to check new rendering possibilities tested through full CGI generated dark interior scene. I wanted to go beyond a typical interior visualization and create something focused on diverse mood, details and take care of the light nuances and so varied effects. I neede something more to add to entire set little story, little weird aspect. The dog is the element which introduces life into the scenes in a slightly surreal way. It's the element combining the entire set of views in a certain way. When I was add the dog to first test composition render I was quickly sure that it's it what I need. The second funny factor was typewriter and the message related to a lot of typewriter papers here and there. In my opinion every good 3d rendered image is born when light touches good and refined materials. No shortcuts. No fakes. When you feel that your scene kills your workstation during rendering process it's mean that you are on right way. As always this project was created to practise skills, for fun and was born out of passiont to CGI. Software: Maxon Cinema 4D R23, Corona Renderer, Adobe Photoshop, Camera RAW Project and visualizations: Marcin Jastrzebski Behance hi resolution set: https://www.behance.net/gallery/114319485/Parisian-Dark-Interior-Full-CGI RealPolygons - https://www.realpolygons.com/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/realpolygons/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/realpolygons/ Thank you for watching! Best regards Marcin Jastrzebski 231697231710231709231708231707231706231705231704231703231702231701231700231699231698231711
Posted on 21.04.2021