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Lucid Dreams

The idea for my image begins with the typology of the building. I did not want to deny the construction, but to emphasize it, and even push it to the extreme limits. At the same time, I had an idea of making a landscape, where the architecture would be repetitive but still disconnected, and individual. Since this work is purely fictional, I could let the architecture drive the topology of the landscape. I knew that I wanted to play with foliage, to use vivid colors and scale of the plants that may evoke some “other”, dreamy place, both known and unknown at the same time. Dramatic lighting helps to tell the story. I am a fan of stories told with less, so I modeled the landscape, and aside from the buildings, for the foliage and characters I limited myself to assets from the V-Ray Cosmos Browser library. The scene is made in Cinema 4D and rendered in V-Ray 6. Minor color correction was done in PS.


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