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Andrea Cogo

Giau Pass My Dream Hut

Background story: This image has been sitting on the hard drive - unpublished - for more than one year, although already finished. Unlike other personal images that were made just for fun, this was specifically created for portfolio reason, in a period of professional trouble. So kind of a more serious task. Which doesn't mean I didn't have fun making it. But the drive behind it was far from that positive creation force that lead me to other work previously and afterwards. I guess I have been reluctant publishing it because I was waiting for that negative vibe to fade away. Well it appears that things don't fade away and will still hurt but we do grow on them and become stronger so there you go ;. This image stands for my newly found balance, and yet I just wish I could work from this mountain hut every day! Architecture inspiration from Savioz Fabrizzi Architectes - Mountain Steel Hut originally in Tracuit, Switzerland Backplate was shot with Nikon d5100+16-85 in one of my favourite places in the Dolomites.


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