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The New Morning Commute

One of the few positive results of the last year has been employers being forced to accept remote working from home. This has seen the end of the daily commute and so many people are now using this pre-work time for more productive pursuits. Some yoga, some run - like so many I go for a pre-work bike ride. It's a fantastic time to be out - with the roads quiet and the world just waking. This image is inspired by one of my weekend rides into the countryside. I've really tried to capture the feel of the English countryside at dawn. The decaying tractor is a nod to the ones we had scattered around the family farm in Ireland when I was a kid. I've used 3dsMax and Vray for the render. Correction was done within the Vray Frame Buffer with additional post in Photoshop. In addition, Chaos Cosmos, Forest Pro and Railclone have been used to help build the scene. A big thank you and model credit for the Tractor and Bicycle go to (unknown modeller) and user 'Kajou'. Everything else is modelled and textured by myself. Sit for a moment. Put on some tranquil music. Stare into the sunrise. And relax :)


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