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The year 2020 has been a challenge for all of us and it is certainly a difficult time for everyone, of course the pandemic has contributed to this. I, in turn, would like to tell you about another problem of the outgoing year that deeply touched me, namely, the environmental disasters that occurred this year in my country - Russia, there were several of them and each of them was a big blow, both for specific places on the map and for the whole world as a whole. The current situation shows that overexploitation of natural resources and neglect of safety practices sometimes lead to irreparable consequences. No matter how banal it may sound-take care of nature, this is really the most valuable thing we have! Thank you all for your attention to my work, in which I wanted to convey my images about this problem, I hope I will be able to convey my thoughts to someone and somehow draw attention to this topic. It was an incredibly interesting experience, thanks to the organizers for the opportunity to take part in the "Evermotion Challenge 2020" and tell us how "my 2020"went. Author: Grigorii Khatlamadzhiian Soft : 3Ds max | Corona renderer | World creator 2 | Quixel | Photoshop CC |


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NorthVS 15:42:46  |  20-12-2020
Astonishing work!