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Work/Life Balance Is Like Riding a Bicycle – Just Keep Moving___ Work-life balance is becoming a very trendy topic at the moment and rightly so. In the workplace, we are all waking up to the importance of having a healthy balance between the time spent at work and time spent at home with our families, friends and doing the things we enjoy. Everyone is confronted by the challenge of time management. We all feel like we have too much to do and not enough time to do it, with so many people working overtime meaning less time to pursue hobbies and maximize general life happiness. How we juggle our commitments and manage our time is absolutely crucial to getting the most out of ourselves and our lives.___ Used Softwares: 3ds max, Corona Render, Forest pack, and Adobe Photoshop.__ Assets from Maxtree, Quixel megascans, and 3DSky.__ I hope you like it and good luck all


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themoor 08:02:50  |  24-12-2020
Love it!