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Reyaz Alankandy


Hi! I'm thrilled to present my work named "Motherhood". The theme of this year's challenge is right on point, with most of our lives revolving around zoom meetings and work-at-home schedules - often blurring the lines of personal and professional spheres. So I decided to create something utterly "offline" and disconnected from the digital space; A frame befitting bravery and vulnerability at the same time. Motherhood: Mothers are idealized as the protectors. They are the heart and soul of the family. Here I have portrayed a mother working late at night trying to balance her baby and her livelihood. This is an image at least some of us might have passed at crossroads or busy streets. I'd wanted to create an out of the box display of motherhood- unfiltered, raw and full of life. I hope you like it!


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nadeemka 19:40:11  |  18-12-2020
wow!!!!! Great job...