The work is created based of one of my dreams . A dream of a mountain city inhabited by poor people and workers which live in simple cabins and fantasy wooden structures . The only complex building in this place is an old bar, so that workers and people can enjoy their free time hours after their works at nights and evenings . Although the city’s structures are not such as to stop the cold of winter but from those houses stunning warmth of hope and love comes out and people are happy and calm and enjoy winter and snow time . softwares used : 3dsmax, UV Layout, Substance Painter, Vray The Wole work is created in 3dsmax, unwrapped in 3dsmax and UV Layout, Texture Painting is done in substance painter . For the materials 3dsmax physical material is used most in the form of multi sub objects.A dome with HDRI and vray sphere lights are used And the Scene is Rendered in Vray . No post product and color correct is done .