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Get Quixel DDO for free

Youtube 2014-03-20 12:58 article  > All

Quixel is releasing the current version of DDO (games texturing toolset) for free.

Quixel is releasing free DDO version. DDO is Photoshop toolset for automating games texturing tasks. The free version “will have limited support but will still be updated as per your needs”.

Quixel has a plan for users that actually paid for DDO.

"We sincerely hope that you who own dDo will not feel let down that you paid for something that will now be free, but rest assured we will do our best to make it up to you with a free upgrade to the all new, arguably more bad-ass, DDO." - satatres company on its website.

DDO is compatible with Photoshop CS3 and above, including both Extended and Standard editions, and runs on Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8. It previously cost $499.

Get free DDO from Quixel site (go to the bottom of page and find "Get Legacy DDO" button).

Author: Youtube Editor: Michal Franczak
Tags: quixel ddo free
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