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Goodbye Uncanny Valley

Alan Warburton 2017-10-19 09:18 article  > All

The battle for photoreal CGI has been won, so the question is... what happens now?

It’s 2017 and computer graphics have conquered the Uncanny Valley, that strange place where things are almost real... but not quite. After decades of innovation, we’re at the point where we can conjure just about anything with software.  Watch a short documentary written and animated by Alan Warburton with the support of Tom Pounder and Wieden + Kennedy that discovers the history of CGI. He explres the frontier, tries to predict what's beyond it and shows some wilderness examples of creative cg fields. Definitely worth watching!


Author: Alan Warburton Editor: Michał Franczak
Tags: cg
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Sketchrender 11:57:56  |  19-10-2017
Interesting. I know I haven't reached the uncanny Valley yet. 90% of the time I can tell a cg image.
slegrand 00:42:49  |  25-10-2017
The uncanny valley is about the connection one can create with a humanoid character that isn't able to emote as such. It has absolutely nothing to do with anything mentioned in this video. I'm disappointed that you would repost it without bothering to check the source.