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MODO for VFX webinar

The Foundry 2013-09-30 08:32 tutorial  > Making of  > modeling

Learn how to create a scene with over 500 million polygons that is directable even working from a modern laptop.

Join the Foundry Creatives to learn about the insanely flexible particles and replicator system of MODO 701. Watch as in the space of an hour you are shown how to create a scene with over 500 million polygons that is nimble and easily art directable even working from a modern laptop.

Topics covered include:

  • What elements of 701 will lend itself to VFX workflow?
  • What is the replicator system?
  • What part of the workflow is from 601 or earlier?
  • What part of the workflow is new to 701?


Author: The Foundry Editor: Michal Franczak
Tags: modo
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