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Creating Fur Material in 3ds Max and V-Ray

Yones Bana 2021-02-22 12:35 tutorial  > 3ds MAX  > modeling

Tutorial by Yones Bana from Vivid Visual Studio.

Hi. I am Yones Bana, I am working as an Arch-Viz tutor and co-Founder of Vivid Visual Studio. In this tutorial, you will learn how to create fabric fur in 3ds Max and V-Ray. Because this fur is so thin, special conditions must be provided for it to be seen in the rendering and image. Even in the real world, to show fur in the photo, you have to follow some of these rules.




These include:

  • Camera lens type and correct focus
  • Proper lighting
  • VrayFur to make fur
  • VrayHairNextMtl to make suitable material
  • Render setting to achieve a clear and sharp image
  • FrameBuffer for final adjustment

First of all, identify the camera and the frame. Use a telephoto lens to zoom in on the subject and set the focus area on a portion of the fur. Use the aperture to control the intensity of the DOF effect.




I used the Dome for ambient light and placed 2 artificial lights with VrayPlane and put them on the side and behind the subject so that nice light would shine on the fur and subject.




See the output of each light source that I used LightMix tool in V-Ray5!



VRayFur is a very simple tool for creating procedural fur. You have to play with these parameters until get what you wanted in terms of appearance and shape of fur. I also used Noise map for Density to give a good variety to their scatter.




To make the fur look more natural, I first selected some polygons of the model and then scattered them only on those parts.



VRayHairNextMtl is a material specifically designed for rendering hair and fur and can be used to render geometry generated through the VRayOrnatrixMod modifier, the VRayFur primitive, or the 3ds Max Hair&Fur modifier.



In the rendering settings, we will make some changes in the Anti Aliasing section to increase the sampling accuracy for fur.



Finally, we make the final edit in the frame buffer in layer mode.





I hope that you were interested and this tutorial will help you with your projects.

Author: Yones Bana Editor: Michał Franczak
Tags: vray 3dsmax material fur vray fur material
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hiwa.rostami 16:12:12  |  30-12-2021
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