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World AKIN

| World Akin | Somewhere I belong... One of my most treasured projects that took a lot of time and effort but none the less, in the end turned to be just how i had imagined it! I started this almost 3 years ago in 2017 but faced a lot of set backs due to other project commitments and could never complete it. Now coming to think of it, I feel it was good in a way since it gave me the time to update myself and use the latest softwares to make the work much more effective. Most of the objects in this project have been modeled by me - the cart, tree, human costumes and hair, the house, ground - which can all be viewed in the short "Making of" video i have put up. How would it be to capture our own little world in a bubble, with all we love in it ? That was the concept - to be able to imagine a small earth within the earth! Hope you all enjoy it! Softwares Used : 3dsmax, Corona Renderer, iToo Forestpack,Substance Painter, Marvelous Designer, Adobe Photoshop. Making of Link:

Posted on 04.08.2020

Views: 459
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Shiju Viz Shiju Viz
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