Hi everyone. I like white color. White is a pure color. A home designed in white gives you peace of mind. In this project I tried to design a beautiful house with maximum productivity in a small space. I hope I was able to show you a beautiful design. this work for my new video tutorial. I create 99% shaders with substance painter. 3ds max - substance painter - rizom lab - corona 5 - photoshop 214176214174214175 214167214168214169214170214171214172214173214177214178214179214180214181214182214183214184 https://evermotion.org/vbulletin/attachment.php?attachmentid=214176&d=1574578882 https://evermotion.org/vbulletin/attachment.php?attachmentid=214181&d=1574579006 https://evermotion.org/vbulletin/attachment.php?attachmentid=214179&d=1574578977
Posted on 24.11.2019