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'Uncaptured' Lumion 9.5 Cinematic Animation

A Cinematic video Animation done with Lumion 9.5 ,unlocking the potentiality of Lumion software rather than typical Architectural rendering. Lots of effort to create 'Lumion 9 Cinematic Animation - 'Uncaptured'', rendered in a single i9 PC paired with a GTX 1070ti graphics card + Inspiration from JR alli + 2 months of sleepless nights. + several cups of coffee,hope everybody will enjoy it. Please feel free to share,comment and give a thumbs up and never hesitate to ask any questions and query regarding this animation. I really appreciate your inputs. Music: Astro - "Synergy"

Posted on 11.07.2019

Views: 1639
Comments: 0
ajaipk ajaipk
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