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"Wholla Lotta Loft- Challenge 2015" Airplane

Moved up the final image for convenience 156708 Hi all! I found out quite late about this marvelous competition, about two weeks ago. The lion's share of time I was going through the options, drawing sketches, collecting references, watched the lessons, etc. And eventually the idea came to me. I drew a sketch and then redrew it several times in the search for the most successful composition. This is last sketch: 156378 Some references: 156379 After all this, began the process of creating a scene. I built the walls, floor and rough ceiling. Then I put the camera, and more its almost not moving. Then I started to study details of the ceiling and walls. 156400156401156402156403

Posted on 26.01.2016

Views: 1954
Comments: 0
Ilya_Cherkasov Ilya_Cherkasov
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