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Whole Lotta Loft - Old Steampunk Engine House

And it is time for final entry. As I said at the beginning: “My idea is to create the interior of the old steampunk loft in the engine house. It is a place existing in a steampunk world. Machine builder who lived in “those days” adapted the engine house to the loft. For him it's a new place to live and work. This is where he constructs steam machines.” If I could live in a steampunk world, my loft will look just like this. Final Entry: 156569 Post Effects (step by step): 156571 156572 156573 156574 156575 156577 Made with: Soft: 3Ds Max 2014 Renderer: V-ray 3.0 Post-production: Photoshop CS6 Plugins: BerconMaps. Free models from: – table and chairs on third plan, small lamps, anvil, tubes, bulbs, diving helmet, chandelier, books – top hat, googles, balloon, Free HDR: Textures: I would like to thank all of those who supported me with kind word. It gave me the kick to complete this project. Thank you! Also, good luck for all the participants! Of course, thanks to Evermotion for such a cool contest! Greetings, Robert. _______________________________ First post: Hello all! My idea is to create the interior of the old steampunk loft in the engine house. It is a place existing in a steampunk world. Machine builder who lived in “those days” adapted the engine house to the loft. For him it's a new place to live and work. This is where he constructs steam machines. My inspirations: 155315

Posted on 01.01.2016

Views: 5080
Comments: 0
RobertFilip RobertFilip
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