Hello This is the first then I share a job in this forum recently I take part of the 2nd Latin American competition called CGlatinomerica, I achieve the top 10 I made it to the fifth place with the proposal :::Scape to nature::: tools used 3ds max Vray 3.0 HDRI Forestpack Floorgenerator Photoshop / Color lookup I hope you enjoy it, Thank you for your time. Greetings from Guatemala. Final Renders http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/OOHernandez/Escape%20a%20la%20naturaleza%20_zps7sum1km4.jpg http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/OOHernandez/2.Escape%20a%20la%20naturaleza%20detalle_zpsjilci3nu.jpg 141185 141186 141187141188 And some Wips 141190 141191 141192141194 141193 141195 141196 141197
Posted on 18.08.2015