Hey there ! Here is something I have done using Unreal Engine. It is a full real time scene where you can walk through a interior of a house. What I have been trying to achieve was the quality of Vray (maybe ? ;) ) render but in real time and I think we got very close to it. This could be a very useful solution for real estate showing the client properties before they are even built. Next step will be to use Oculus Rift for this scene. Here is a link for the walt-through : https://vimeo.com/122016314 about the project : Studio responsible for architecture is OV-A from Czech Republic and the house is located in Kraluv Dvur. We took the architecture and turned it into realtime. We thought that the building has a very nice estetique and would be perfect for this kind of project. Let us know what your thoughts about it. http://www.visualworkshop3d.ch/web/realtime/01.jpg http://www.visualworkshop3d.ch/web/realtime/03.jpg http://www.visualworkshop3d.ch/web/realtime/07.jpg http://www.visualworkshop3d.ch/web/realtime/16.jpg http://www.visualworkshop3d.ch/web/realtime/26.jpg http://www.visualworkshop3d.ch/web/realtime/09.jpg
Posted on 14.03.2015