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My thesis project. Museum of Modern Art in Rostov-on-Don. Do not set the goal to achieve photorealistic, the principal was architecture, but also received visas pomoymu not bad.

Software: 3ds Max 2009, V-Ray, AutoCAD 2010, PS CS4

Posted on 07.07.2010

Views: 72777
Comments: 8
art2886 art2886
Other projects by art2886


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ryan3650 03:54:54  |  09-12-2010
Hi Artem, beautiful rendering. I am working on my thesis now, it is also a museum, and I have just switched to Vray with Studio Max 2010. I use AutoCAD 2010 and PS CS5 as well. Is this an HDRI rendering? Can you recommend any good outdoor rendering turorials? [email protected]
archi tim 14:37:55  |  19-05-2011
très beau
art2886 16:53:06  |  20-05-2011
SANGEETH20 17:16:47  |  28-11-2011
Awsome no words to explain....
suhrob_arch 10:52:43  |  04-04-2012
Great night view!
kssjl 07:00:55  |  09-09-2012
高手啊 有没有提供模型给我? 谢谢
kssjl 07:01:07  |  09-09-2012
高手啊 有没有提供模型给我? 谢谢
Arth. Brooks 19:50:36  |  10-03-2013
Excellent design! Impressive.