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Information Clause

In accordance with the art. 13 section 1 and 2 of the European Parliament and Council Regulation 2016/679 of the 27th April, 2016 on the protection of natural persons, with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), hereafter RODO, I hereby inform that:

1. EVERMOTION S.C., 8 Przędzalniana Str., 15-688 Białystok, Poland is the Administrator of your Personal Data (APD)

2. Data Protection Inspector can be reached through e-mail:

3. Your personal data are to be processed on the basis of art. 6 section 1 letter a, b and f of RODO in order to:
a) prepare, conclude and execute the agreement and for other purposes approved by you,
b) to execute the legitimate interest like marketing of products and the agreement, claim assertion or defence against claims resulting from the law regulations.

4. Entities entitled to the reception of your personal data may be the authorised public bodies; mail providers; providers of the services covered by the agreement; responsible for debt recovery, keeping the archives, document utilization, legal consulting, technical services, IT services and accountancy.

5. Your personal data shall not be transferred to the third country, nor to the international bodies.

6. Your personal data shall be processed within the period of the agreement and upon your additional consent until you withdraw it. APD shall keep the data for the period of any civil law claim execution connected with the agreement.

7. You have the right to demand an access to your personal data, to correct or to delete the data if there is no other basis for the processing or any other purpose of such processing or to limit the processing of the data, to transfer the data to another administrator and to raise objections to the further data processing if there is no legal basis for further processing and to withdraw any previous consent.

8. You provide the personal data voluntarily, however they are necessary to conclude the agreement. The refusal of providing such data may result in the refusal of the agreement conclusion.

9. You have the right to lodge a complaint to the Personal Data Protection Office when in your opinion the data processing violates the regulations of General Data Protection Regulation of the 27 April, 2016 (RODO).

10. Your data will be automatically processed, including the form of profiling.
11. You are obligated to forward above mentioned information to your representative, especially if you appointed this person in the agreement as the contact person or as the representative for the agreement execution.

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In this first stage, the scene was conceived, taking into account the situation of humanity between 50 and 100 years in the future. In the year 2070, the planet earth is recovering from a catastrophe, global warming, the lack of fossil fuel, led the human race to the greatest decline in history, people live in the cold underground, because the temperature outside few people have to courage to face, it will take a few decades for the planet to return to its normal temperature, which in fact will occur, since the fossil fuel no longer exists to pollute our atmosphere. The solution was to move to a clean and renewable energy source, but our natural materials are no longer easy to extract, since the preservation of the environment is strictly protected, there is no more mining, so how to get materials that can help us in the generation and energy storage without harming the environment? . . . . . 2100 ... Beginning of Space Exploration. Objective ... Mineral Resources Capture ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Nessa primeira etapa foi realizada a concepção da cena, levado em conta a situação da humanidade entre 50 a 100 anos no futuro. No ano de 2070, o planeta terra se recupera de uma catastrofe, o aquecimento global, a falta de combustivel fossil, levaram a raça humana ao maior decline da história, as pessoas vivem no subterraneo refrigerado, pois a temperatura lá fora poucas pessoas tem a coragem de enfrentar, vai levar algumas decadas até o planeta voltar a sua temperatura normal, coisa que de fato ira ocorrer, já que, o combutivel fossil já não existe mais para poluir nossa atmosfera. A solução foi partir para uma fonte de energia limpa e renovavel, porem nossos materiais naturais já não são de facil extração, vista que a preservação do meio ambiente esta rigorosamente protegida, não há mais mineração, então como conseguir materiais que possa nos auxiliar no geração e armazenamento de energia sem agredir o meio ambiente? . . . . . 2100...Inicio da Exploração Espacial. Objetivo...Captação de recursos minerais


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