A brick and mortar building can elicit a sense of nostalgia and longing. But why are we so fascinated with the buildings of the past? Perhaps it’s the mix of familiarity and strangeness that draws us in – we see a street we know so well, but with a time-traveling intruder atop it. In celebration of some of America’s most beautiful and interesting lost buildings, we’ve reconstructed seven in their original location. Discover how these structures from the past painted the skyline compared to how these locations look today. This project was made in collaboration with NeoMam Studios for Home Advisor. For more details you can go to the link: https://www.homeadvisor.com/r/reconstruction-of-7-great-us-buildings/ Art Director: Povilas Daknys CGI made at Leadson Viz by Laurentiu Stanciu https://leadsonviz.com/portfolio/ part of 3D modeling team: Andras Finta 1.The Beach Hotel, Galveston Texas - full 3d- 3dsmax+vray+ps 2.Mark Hopkins Mansion, San Francisco, full 3d- 3dsmax+vray+ps 3.Penn Station, New York City, 3d blending in photo collage, 3dsmax+vray+ps 4.Birmingham Terminal Station , full 3d 3dsmax+vray+ps 5.Singer Building, New York City, 3d blending into photo, 3dsmax+vray+ps 6.Midway Gardens, Chicago, full 3d, 3dsmax+vray+ps 7.The Hippodrome, New York City, 3d bleding into photo collage, 3dsmax+vray+ps 204915204916204917204918204919204921204920
Posted on 08.02.2019